"Lag Baomer & Shavuot" - Israel
Episode 211

The Festival
n Meron, tens of thousands of Jewish people arrive from all over to make a pilgrimage up the mountain to the tomb of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, for the Lag Baomer festivities. Raging bonfires are a major part of the celebration.
To celebrate the end of the Counting of the Omer, there is a festival called Shavuot. The customs of Shavuot include an all night Torah study called Tikkun l’el Shavuot.
During Shavuot it is customary to consume dairy products. The festival is strongly connected with the harvest. On kibbutzim, there is a beautiful Bikkurim ceremony and parade, where produce from the kibbutz is displayed. In Jerusalem during Shavuot, crowds flock to the Western Wall for the morning service.

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