Hot day in Hong Kong

Israel - Sunset

Azore Islands
Shooting with a Tyler Major Mount and a Sony HDC-750 camera in a Portuguese Air Force Puma helicopter for "Portugal: An Adventure of Discovery" .

Over Canada: An Aerial Adventure
1999 -2000 I shot Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific for KCTS and Over Canada Productions. My pilot was the best!! Jim Filippone. We used the Tyler Major Mount and the Sony HDC-750 camera. It was recorded on a Panasonic D-5 VTR.
FFOTW episode 15
Our first Fantastic Festivals of the World shoot in Sevilla, Spain for April Ferria. With me is Jon McDonald, who was doing audio as a favor. In real life he is a Producer-Director. Nice to have great friends!

Over Canada Twin-star with Marc and Jim
We trucked this helicopter from Vancouver to Halifax and then flew it back to Vancouver, shooting along the way.

Scouting location in Rajhasthan
From the I for India shoot

Shooting Chinese Scrolls at Washington University in St Louis